FINANCE COMMITTEE: Develops and oversees a budget, financial and resources, develops policies and procedures, accountability, and related reporting to funders and external resources. The Finance Committee will help ensure maximization and stewardship of donated and granted resources.
RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE: Works to secure grants, donations, and other resources for the RC Long Term Recovery Team and coordinates with other entities (eg manufacturers, suppliers, etc.) to secure donations. This committee will work closely with the Finance Committee.
CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Provide advice and general estimates for rebuilding projects. The construction manager will provide homeowner with qualified VOAD construction members that will come in and do the actual work. The contractors will have liability insurance. The homeowner will act as the general contractor.
CASE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Reviews cases presented to them by Disaster Case Management for submission to the UnMet Needs Committee.
UNMET NEEDS COMMITTEE: Receives and acts on referrals from Case Management Committee. Consists of members and non-members bringing money (cash financial support), materials (donations, equipment, supplies, furniture, appliances, etc), or muscle (volunteer labor crews and expertise) to meet the needs of individuals who have been served by the case management process.
SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL CARE: Coordinates the spiritual and emotional support for survivors, caregivers, volunteers, and community. This committee also provides and marshals professionals to provide counseling to address emotional or spiritual needs of clients.
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: Coordinates the internal and external communication materials, including web and social media, liaison with the media, print, and audio as well as working with the chair of the Steering Committee to determine messages.
VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Oversees the recruitment, coordination, training, and recognition of volunteers. Assists with the coordination of housing of the volunteers. All volunteers need to sign the Release of Liability Form.
NON-MONETARY DONATIONS COMMITTEE: Oversees warehousing, receiving, sorting and distributing non-monetary donations, such as food, tools, clothing, building materials, etc.
If you or your organization would like to donate items such as furniture, household items, used cars, shopping on Amazon for housing needs, the Donations Committee and Case Managers will work with you to match up a client who has needs. We cannot store these items for you, but if you could keep them for the client until their homes are ready, the clients would be very appreciative.