June 2024 Committee Updates

Case Management
Anita Hines has volunteered to be the interim chairman for the Case Managers Committee. She is in the process of recruiting and training additional case managers. She is working on matching the lists of tornado survivors from the 211 calls, the Red Cross, and the hotline. About 125 cases are active and 75 cases have been closed with no services needed.

Anita Hines, Interim Chairman

Finance Committee
Thus far the only expense has been $90 a month for a cell phone. The committee is also taking quotes for insurance for the Director and officers. They also want to include general liability insurance that would include committee members and their volunteers.

Construction Management Committee
Provide advice and general estimates for rebuilding projects. The construction manager will provide homeowner with qualified VOAD construction members that will come in and do the actual work. The contractors will have liability insurance. The homeowner will act as the general contractor.

If you or your organization would like to donate items such as furniture, household items, used cars, shopping on Amazon for housing needs, the Donations Committee and Case Managers will work with you to match up a client who has needs. We cannot store these items for you, but if you could keep them for the client until their homes are ready, the clients would be very appreciative.

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